Business Podcast Blueprint

Business Podcast Blueprint

Optimize, Automate and Grow your Company Podcast

How to Grow the Company Podcast without it Consuming Your Whole Workweek

Do you want to spend less time on busywork and more on strategy?

In this video you will learn how to leverage the podcast to grow the business and spend less time doing it.

Find out: 

***Why B2B podcasts shouldn’t count subscribers (and the metrics they should focus on instead)***
***The best ways to land and leverage podcast guest relationships***
***Our turnkey systems that significantly cut the time needed for podcast production and promotion tasks***

You'll also learn how you can join the Business Podcast Blueprint  Program and community for limited-time Free Trial!

When you join the Business Podcast Blueprint you're entitled to:

    *8 dynamic, action-oriented lessons detailing how to optimize, automate and grow your show.

       *The Office Recording Studio eBook, which teaches you how to test your space acoustically, and capture the best sound based on your results.

     *Access to the Always-Sure Slack Support community where you can get an answer to any question about the curriculum an applying it to your podcast in 24        hours. (Monday to Friday, not including holidays)

      *Weekly Live Q and A Calls about strategy and technology.

      * Monthly "State of the Industry" Call so you are always up to date on what is happening in the world of podcasts.

If you decide to reamin after the free trial you will receive:


The Boring Stuff Robot - a Custom Coded Episode guide that automates portions of your internal and external communications as well as idea generation.

PodcastSOP Custom Template - pre-loaded for your show, which includes FREE access to the software as long as you're a member.

Read on to find out about the course curriculum!

Recordings availabel now,  live session beginning in February 2022.

Course Curriculum

Megan Dougherty

Megan Dougherty is a digital marketing strategist with a background in online business development and course creation. She has had the opportunity over the years to work with hundreds of business owners in a variety of industries. She really likes spreadsheets, deadlines, internet robots adn disaster movies.

Audra Casino

Course Pricing

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Free Trial

$97 USD

per month

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Founders Pricing with Robot

$97 USD

per month

  • Get the Boring Stuff Robot Today!

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6 Month Access with Robot

$497 USD

every 6 months

  • Join for 6 months and save!

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